Tami Hafzalla
Ultimately, Tami’s intention is to share techniques to align with radiance from the inside out; connection to self, connection to others beyond name and form, connection to spirit, universal consciousness, and love.
Tami is originally from Egypt and has travelled extensively throughout her life. Her seekers heart has led her to master teachers in India, Australia, Europe, and the U.S. Drawing most from her classical training in Ashtanga, Iyengar, Viniyoga, and Ayurveda, her classes are artfully sequenced, strength building and meditative. Tami has led teacher trainings in India, currently in Seattle, her home city, and annually, retreats worldwide. As an Ayurvedic practitioner, she infuses classes with ancient wisdom for contemporary living. She offers intuitive and simultaneously skillful hands on adjustments grounded in her training as a Licensed Massage Therapist.
Tami continues to draw inspiration with ongoing studies and retreats regularly with her dear teacher, Clive Sheridan. Her greatest teacher is her beloved son, Indi Kainoa. From him, she knows the most profound love, patience and joy. It is her life’s blessing to be committed to a path of embodiment, renewal, awakening and liberation and it is an absolute gift to share all that she has gathered.
For more on Tami visit bhakti-flow.com