Lisa Dunn

Lisa Dunn is a yoga teacher and self proclaimed life-enthusiast whose playful approach to her practice mirrors her free spirit. Hitting the pause button on a fast paced life as a BBC producer based in London, she now travels the globe offering yoga retreats, teacher trainings and workshops.

Keen to share the liberating effect this 20-year practice had on her life, Lisa became a 500-hour certified teacher with Frog Lotus Yoga and has been a well-loved teacher for over ten years now.  Her journey has taken her all over the world. Lisa’s heart-centred approach is a reflection of her compassionate personality, she brings a fresh and faithful eye to time-honoured traditions and draws on the universal teachings of yoga, both on and off the mat. With an emphasis on the breath and intelligent sequencing, her classes are crafted to empower her students to develop their practice, and have a safe life-long yoga experience.

More recently she has been lured back behind the camera by the unfolding story at Suryalila Retreat Centre and has recently completed a feature length documentary about the world of yoga.

Our teachers

Raquel Alves

Raquel Alves started teaching in 1992. She is qualified with Para Yoga (Rod Stryker), BWY, Sivannanda.

Originally from Africa, she now lives in the UK. Her teaching draws from many styles and has a strong pull towards Tantra but calls on her years as an Ashtanga practitioner and her years doing Iyengar yoga. She also loves to incorporate restorative relaxation techniques, meditation and on occasion chanting – accompanied by the harmonium.

Her personal practice draws on her current teacher’s teachings, she also assists him when he is teaching in Europe. She is a a 500 hrs yoga alliance Eyr (senior teacher), a tutor and mentor on the Yoga Campus Teacher Training Programme.

She brings a wealth of knowledge to her teaching with great attention to alignment and empowers her students to have fun and to enquire within, aiding them to empower themselves. Find out more about Raquel here.

Catherine Annis

Catherine Annis is a Senior Teacher, well known for her imaginative and down-to-earth, practical approach to yoga. She taught the Triyoga teacher training for many years before launching Intelligent Yoga Teacher training in 2017, an anatomically focused teacher training course with world-leading teachers including Gary Carter.

Originally a professional dancer, Catherine was introduced to yoga as a teenager and has been practicing since the 1970s. Over the years she has explored Sivananda, Iyengar, Astanga and various forms of Hatha yoga before discovering the teachings of  Vanda Scaravelli. This form of yoga is gentle on the joints, yet deeply engaging and occasionally demanding. It encourages us to re-discover the natural freedom of the body (especially the spine) soothes the nervous system and helps us move with more ease.

Catherine’s classes explore breath and subtle somatic work, drawing on the latest discoveries in pain science to create more physical ease for those working with back pain, stress and anxiety. She is attentive and thoughtful and highly skilled at adapting poses to suit all types of students so that everyone leaves class feeling that they have made a fresh discovery about their yoga practice.

Catherine moved to the wilds of Exmoor in 2020 where she practices cold water swimming and teaches regular weekly classes in person and online. She is in demand for workshops for the British Wheel of Yoga and leads retreats, workshops and teacher trainings throughout Europe and the UK. Find out more about Catherine from her website here.

Emma Arscott

Emma’s intention is to create an inspiring space for joy and transformation through yoga, meditation and breathwork. She truly believes that there is so much wisdom within the yoga practice that can reconnect our mind, body and soul and is passionate about making yoga available to as many people as possible.

She trained to teach yoga in Rishikesh, India, the home and heart of yoga and is extremely grateful to all of her amazing teachers she has worked with and learned from. Like a lot of people, she first came to the practice for the physical aspect and very quickly realised that there was a certain magic beyond the poses. The positive effects that the practice generated started to trickle into all aspects of her life and were so profound she felt called to share it with others.

Emma loves to blend modern anatomy teachings with traditional yogic philosophy to create well rounded sessions where you can learn about the fascinating biomechanics of your body, while giving your mind some well needed time and space away from the pressures of daily life. You can expect to be challenged in a slow, yet strong alignment-based flow to strengthen, tone and soothe your body. You will explore and connect through movement and breathwork keeping mindfulness at the heart of the practice. Each class will have a different focus, and there will always be options to make sure you’re practicing the right way for your body. You will finish the sessions feeling uplifted, nourished and refreshed ready to take on the world!

Find out more about Emma from her website here.

Clem Balfour

Clem is a passionate and fun teacher drawing on her experience after finding yoga over 12 years ago. Clem teaches uplifting classes, leading sequences inspired by vinyasa flow (aligning breath and movement) as well a slower more gentle yin practice, which allows her to respond to the energy in the room.

Through her teaching Clem explores the elements of yin and yang in the practice, to help balance out your energy and allow you to experience the effects of Yoga for your body and your mind. Her approach is to lead you through yin & yang classes that often begin with a slower more restorative practice with longer holds to help you unwind. Transitioning into a more dynamic vinyasa-based flow to allow you to leave the space feeling energised.

Clem has trained all over the world building on her love for vinyasa flow with Yoga London and The Yoga People. Her love for yin has been developed with trainings with Norman Blair and most recently Bernie Clarke. She is a founder of the ‘Yoga Brunch Club’, a popular events and retreat business running all over the UK, combining open level, energising yoga sessions, collaborating with chefs to create sit down feasts in beautiful surroundings.

Jodi Boone

Jodi began teaching yoga in 2001 as a way to share the profound practice that she feels has brought so much healing and peace into her own life. She believes yoga can be a moving meditation, and for this reason, within a hatha flow practice, likes to integrate gems of philosophy from many traditions for inspiration, as well as emphasize the breath and moments of stillness.

Before she started teaching for YOAS in 2008, she went on retreat with the company as a student in 2006 and 2007. Jodi fell in love with the nourishing aspects of retreat life, including immersing yourself in the practices of yoga, being in community with others who are drawn to the path of yoga, and traveling to beautiful locations and settings. In addition to teaching yoga, Jodi is a psychotherapist, massage therapist, and Ayurvedic practitioner.

Tania Brown

Tania has been leading inspirational classes locally and internationally for 19 years. She has a unique ability to naturally inspire a deeper understanding of the flow of breath, movement and the mindful connections of yoga. Her teaching emphasis is on the power of the breath to manage and open the body, postural alignment, yogic philosophy and the integration of yoga principles into daily life.

She is passionate about promoting health, vitality and well-being through yoga in a light-hearted and accessible way. Tania’s practice began with her dad as a teenager. After years of regular yoga practice she studied with the Amrita School of Yoga to qualify as a Traditional Hatha Yoga teacher. She has also studied with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli (Yoga Nidra). Claire Missingham (Vinyasa Flow), Sarah Powers (Yin yoga) and Nigel Gilderson (Hatha yoga) amongst others. Most recently Tania is proud to be a student of Judith Hanson Lasater and Gabor Maté.

Tania has had the privilege to teach many people in different settings, including in schools, hospitals and teaching males on remand in Brixton prison. She builds a community where all bodies are welcome, offering free yoga if needed. She continues to develop infusing the different schools of yoga to give a rounded class reflecting the best of all the schools of yoga she continues to study.

“Tania teaches with warmth, energy, compassion and love. Her classes are a dynamic flowing style of yoga harmonising breath and movement to give strength and grace. They are accessible to all, whether or not you can touch your toes! just as long as you can breathe…”

Elena Byers

Elena teaches flowing somatic yoga and sacred song, rooted in philosophy, community + playfulness.

Having spent much of her life training in the creative body, with diverse years studying movement, performance, opera and visual arts, Elena is forever fascinated by the body’s ability to creatively express. And yoga being elemental in that journey since she emerged jelly-kneed from an Iyengar class in her teens.

Her classes are nurturing and powerful; guided from a place of genuine belief in the value of community and individual creative potential, wth lots of options to welcome all bodies in varying degrees of challenge and plenty of nourishing space in between.

A lover of sound, Elena’s teaching is often coloured with chanting and music, alongside the trusty accompaniment of her beloved harmonium Bina. Her practice and teaching incorporate flowing movement, Non-Dual philosophical teachings and playful proprioception work – combining her studies in anatomy and dance.

A long time devotee of TKV Desikachar’s teachings, she’s been guided over the last decade by studies in Yoga Philosophy with Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, Somatics with Tias Little and Satu Tuomela and anatomy with Leslie Kaminoff. Presently she counts the inspiring Paula Andreewitch as her main teacher.

Nancy Campbell

Nancy has been practising yoga for over 30 years and 10 years ago turned her passion into a career.

She says for her the most enjoyable aspect of teaching is to share a tool that helps people feel better about themselves, physically, mentally and emotionally. Her teaching ethos is to guide people to embrace what their bodies can do and not to be hung up on what they can’t, to be able to access the super powers of the breath, and  to be learn to steady the mind even in the most chaotic of moments.

Her classes often encompass a fusion of disciplines to create a story arc. With an introduction, an incentive, a climax and a resolution that encourages every student to write their own chapters in their own unique way.

Whilst she loves a headstand, wheel and even a scorpion, she believes an advanced yogi is one who connects to what their body needs on any given day not one who can place their foot behind their head.

Nancy enjoys continually exploring different depths of yoga from different disciplines and different teachers and has studied with Claire Missingham (esoterica advanced yoga), Jason Crandell (yoga anatomy), Norman Blair (yin yoga), Uma Dinsmore Tuli (natal & yoga nidra), as well as training in Reiki, Sound Bath Healing and Life Coaching. Nancy is currently completing her kundalini teacher training and loves to integrate elements into her classes.

Lila Conway

Lila is a certified Senior Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance and founder of Yoga Prema.

She has been practicing yoga for 20 years, teaching full-time since 2001, received advanced level certification from Sivananda in 2004 and in 2007 was given the blessing to teach yoga teachers as a principal teacher within the Sivananda Yoga Organisation.

Lila has spent the best part of eight years living in yoga ashrams and centres in India and Canada, being fully immersed in a yogic life of service, study, practice and teaching yoga to students from across the world.

Lila has trained extensively with various schools including Sivananda (Hatha, Raja, Karma, Jnana and Bhakti Yoga), Krishnamacharya (Vedic Chanting/Sanskrit) and Usha Devi (Iyengar Yoga). As a result of years of practice, study and embracing yoga as a way of life, Lila is inspired to share the wisdom and joy of yoga from the heart. Lila spends regular periods of time in India studying and deepening her own practice. She has a highly individual and sensitive approach which resonates deeply with her students.

Based in the South West of England, Lila teaches weekly yoga classes, workshops, meditation and yogic study courses, international yoga retreats and yoga teacher training in India, London and Italy.

Sunita Devi

Sunita fell in love with yoga as soon as she stepped onto her mat and hasn’t looked back – unless doing a backbend. Years of practicing led Sunita to embark on her journey as a teacher. She completed a 200 hour hatha yoga training with Yogahaven, a 300 hour vinyasa training and a 50hr yin training with Sampoona Yoga in India.

Sunita creates a friendly and inclusive space where she encourages students to move mindfully with an emphasis on breath and good alignment. Sunita sprinkles each class with yoga philosophy to encourage students to think about life on and off the mat and apply its benefits to their daily life. Believing yoga helps us to centre and balance our lives in a way that keeps us naturally happy, healthy and emotionally stable, Sunita feels very grateful she can share the magic of yoga with others.

Roanna Doleman

Ro is a yoga teacher based in Falmouth, Cornwall. She has been teaching since 2016 and has a deep passion for helping other people experience the transformative impact of yoga.

Teaching Dynamic Vinyasa Flow, Yin yoga and Pregnancy Yoga, Ro completed her 500 hours advanced Teacher training with Quantum yoga, 30 hours Yin yoga with Norman Blair, 42 hours anatomy and physiology with Jambo Truong and her 85 hours Pregnancy yoga, post natal yoga and mother and baby yoga with Sally Parkes.

Her past and current training continues to inspire and influence her knowledge and intelligent teaching style. She aims to pass on that inspiration to students of whatever age, background or ability, all over the world.

Her teaching has a practical approach entwining the breath, body and mind, exploring both the physical and esoteric aspects of the practice. Ro is clear at communicating and her classes leave you more harmonious, healthy, happy and in true balance with yourself and the now.

Lisa Dunn

Lisa Dunn is a yoga teacher and self proclaimed life-enthusiast whose playful approach to her practice mirrors her free spirit. Hitting the pause button on a fast paced life as a BBC producer based in London, she now travels the globe offering yoga retreats, teacher trainings and workshops.

Keen to share the liberating effect this 20-year practice had on her life, Lisa became a 500-hour certified teacher with Frog Lotus Yoga and has been a well-loved teacher for over ten years now.  Her journey has taken her all over the world. Lisa’s heart-centred approach is a reflection of her compassionate personality, she brings a fresh and faithful eye to time-honoured traditions and draws on the universal teachings of yoga, both on and off the mat. With an emphasis on the breath and intelligent sequencing, her classes are crafted to empower her students to develop their practice, and have a safe life-long yoga experience.

More recently she has been lured back behind the camera by the unfolding story at Suryalila Retreat Centre and has recently completed a feature length documentary about the world of yoga.

Rebecca Enderby

Rebecca has been practicing yoga since 2005 and sees it as her anchor and an invaluable tool-kit.

Rebecca is passionate about what yoga can teach you both on and off the mat and how we can use yoga to be kinder and more compassionate in the world.  She practices and teaches strong vinyasa and yin and her classes are playful, dynamic and usually done to music.

Rebecca has a PhD in geography and spent seven months in Bangalore, South India, for her research. She fell in love with India and is always planning her next trip there. She did her 200hr training with Erin Prichard at The Power Yoga Company in London and has since trained in pre and post-natal yoga with Yoga London. She is currently taking an online ‘Yoga for All’ training with Dianne Bondy and Amber Karness and is undergoing a year-long 500hr advanced teacher training with Erin Prichard.

Belle Greenwood

Belle took up yoga 30 years ago, prompted by back pain as a teenager. Through regular practice she discovered a positive shift not only physically, but – like a bubble of oxygen rising up through turbulent waters – also in terms of clarity to choose the next best step forward.

Her desire to joyfully share this underpins her teaching since 2003 with formal teacher trainings including Yoga Therapy Diploma, Satyananda & Sivananda traditions, and extended study & travel in India.  Many years of Astanga Vinyasa, Iyengar & Scaravelli practice also inform her yoga journey.

For the past 15 years, Belle has lead retreats internationally, bringing both her skills in practice & her experience of global travel to create safe & positive spaces for transformational yoga experiences.

Through Yoga Therapy, Belle safely adapts practices for those with compromised health & for whom individual or small group classes are more appropriate. Her Satyananda training in classical teachings of asana, pranayama, mantra, meditation & Yoga Nidra continue to be a rich seam to mine, especially when the ability to practice dynamic asana is limited.

Since 2006, her London base is the lovely studios & home of Siobhan Davies Contemporary Dance, running weekly classes, workshops & 121 Yoga Therapy.

Mantra has been at the heart of 20 years of Buddhist practice & as a singer songwriter, Belle enjoys sharing voice, guitar & song on retreats & in class.

Belle is part French & shares her joie to vivre to help students enjoy a sustainable, ever-deepening & integrated yoga practice.

Shilpi Gupta

Shilpi grew up in a yoga-infused environment and culture, learning various aspects through osmosis and joyful yoga activities and has been practising for over a decade.

Shilpi trained and qualified as a teacher with Sampoorna Yoga. She has also completed further training in Yoga Nidra at Satyananda Yoga Centre and a hands-on assist training for yoga teachers. She teaches and leads workshops at various studios in London, including her own.

In a warm, welcoming and inclusive environment, Shilpi’s sessions are composed of Vinyasa flow, Hatha, Yin, Yoga Nidra, pranayama and guided meditations. Her vinyasa flows are energetic and uplifting; and the wholesome sessions energise the body and de-stress the mind through a traditional, structured process.

Her intention is that participants leave each class feeling refreshed and reunited in mind, body and spirit.

Tami Hafzalla

As a yoga teacher since 2000, Tami is adept in holding grounding, compassionate space. She is committed to cultivating a practice that is warm and welcoming so students may move through a personal process, finding union of body, mind and heart. They are guided to access profound levels of insight and freedom, reconnecting to inherent wisdom, to heal and dissolve barriers that separate us from ourselves and each other.

Ultimately, Tami’s intention is to share techniques to align with radiance from the inside out; connection to self, connection to others beyond name and form, connection to spirit, universal consciousness, and love.

Tami is originally from Egypt and has travelled extensively throughout her life. Her seekers heart has led her to master teachers in India, Australia, Europe, and the U.S. Drawing most from her classical training in Ashtanga, Iyengar, Viniyoga, and Ayurveda, her classes are artfully sequenced, strength building and meditative. Tami has led teacher trainings in India, currently in Seattle, her home city, and annually, retreats worldwide. As an Ayurvedic practitioner, she infuses classes with ancient wisdom for contemporary living. She offers intuitive and simultaneously skillful hands on adjustments grounded in her training as a Licensed Massage Therapist.

Tami continues to draw inspiration with ongoing studies and retreats regularly with her dear teacher, Clive Sheridan. Her greatest teacher is her beloved son, Indi Kainoa. From him, she knows the most profound love, patience and joy. It is her life’s blessing to be committed to a path of embodiment, renewal, awakening and liberation and it is an absolute gift to share all that she has gathered.

For more on Tami visit

Molly Harragin

Molly found yoga in 2009 in Bali. Not gym yoga but the kind of yoga that seeps deep into your bones.  It was a complete awakening, like seeing the world properly for the first time. She got a tattoo of Ganesh on her neck and things have never been the same.

Molly’s first yoga training was an intensive Jivamukti Yoga teacher training in Dorset which she followed with what she felt was a much needed year apprenticeship to establish the art of teaching. Jivamukti was very popular then so she was lucky to get work at yoga studios in London straight away and began slowly to teach on retreats around the world.

A few years later she did an 18 month yoga therapy diploma to learn more about working with people with injuries and illness. This changed her attitude towards yoga and she began to slow down her practice and respect the often much needed body’s innate healing capacities.

Since then Molly has taught and studied around the world taking courses in yoga nidra, thai yoga massage, EFT, yin yoga, and most currently an MA in Psychotherapy and Counselling at Regents University. Molly believes that yoga is much more than just movement. It is a science and a way of life that can keep you happy and healthy at all levels.

Amelia Hodge

Amelia has been on her yoga journey for the past 12 years. Her love of yoga led her to travel to Southern India to gain her Yoga Alliance 200hr Teacher Training Certification at the Sivananda ashram in Kerala, under the guidance of Swami Govindananda, Swami Tatwarupananda and Swami Nivedanananda.

Her Hatha Flow yoga will gently encourage you to explore your physical and mental capabilities, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of yoga and its philosophy. The atmosphere is authentic, relaxed, friendly and open for EVERY body to experience the incredible benefits of yoga.

She views the discipline of yoga as a vital element to learn more about our nature as human beings. Her teachings are infused with a meditative practice to transcend the mind. They deal mostly with body and breathing practices – guiding awareness to internal states and senses, incorporating meditative postures to encourage full observation, calmness and peace throughout – bringing attention to the more subtle and positive powers within to encourage creativity, intuition and contentment.

Jess Horn

Jess has been teaching yoga for 14 years and practicing for over 25! (which makes her feel old!). During this time her love for yoga has led her to study traditional Hatha, Ashtanga, Iyengar and Vinyasa the influences of which can be found in her teaching. Most recently Jess has found her home in ISHTA yoga  (Integrated Science of Hatha, Tantra and Ayurveda) and is an E-RYT 500hr ISHTA certified teacher.

She was originally drawn to yoga for its physical benefits but continues to be fascinated by the many deeper layer’s yoga has to offer such as Eastern philosophy, Ayurveda, breath work, meditation, mantra and mudra.

Teaching a mindful flow and breath-led practice with a focus on safe and individual alignment, Jess skilfully provides a space in her classes where everyone feels comfortable and can challenge themselves, whether they are beginners or more experienced yogis. She hopes her classes encourage more joy and awareness, so people can connect more mindfully with their bodies, each other and the environment.

Jess also integrates sound baths into her UK retreats with her magical crystal bowls, you’re in for a treat!

Jaya Jaks

Jaya started practicing yoga in 1995 and has explored many styles since. She completed an intensive 9-month teacher training in Byron Bay in 2003 and taught at Brahmani Yoga (former Purple Valley) in India until 2008. Jaya now lives and works in London and Somerset and periodically leads retreats within the UK and abroad.

Jaya teaches a dynamic flow style that combines the integrity, precision and alignment of Iyengar with the movement and breath awareness of Vinyasa. Her most influential teachers include Glenn Ceresoli, Louisa Sear, Clive Sheridan and Martin Alyward.

Jaya’s technique tends to suit students of varying abilities, as they can be both calming and challenging. Most important, Jaya creates a safe and nurturing environment that encourages self-discovery and non-competitiveness. She is particularly skilled at one-on-one adjustments. As well as strengthening the body and increasing stamina and flexibility, Jaya’s teachings help create a more peaceful mind, a more open heart and a more grounded attitude, all of which can help no end in today’s hectic world.

Jaya is also a Yoga Therapist, certified to teach Hormone Yoga Therapy, Pregnancy Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Chakra Dance and is currently studying for a diploma in Transpersonal Integrative Psychotherapy. Find out more about Jaya here.

Nancy Lea

Nancy is a 500-hour E-RYT yoga teacher with more than 20 years of practice and ten years of teaching experience.

Based in Seattle, WA, Nancy teaches with intention, a sense of humor, and an open heart. Her classes offer students a balance of stability with fluidity, and alignment with ease. She teaches all the eight limbs of yoga, and each class is anchored to breath.

For Nancy, yoga infuses daily living with a sense of joy, wonderment, and peace. She encourages her students to move beyond their physical practice and to experience off the mat the self-love and awareness they have cultivated in their practice. Her teaching has been described as nourishing, clear, insightful and “a beautiful, peaceful practice that strengthens the body and calms the mind.”

In 2021, Nancy completed her 300-hour training with ISHTA Yoga (Integrated Science of Hatha, Tantra, and Ayurveda), and she continues to practice and study with her teachers Yogiraj Alan Finger, Sarah Platt-Finger, Mona Anand, and Peter Ferko.

Nancy believes that our wisest teacher lies within our own hearts and guides us through the world with grace, compassion, kindness, and love. She humbly shares this sacred practice of yoga from a place of deep respect for and knowledge of the ancient teachings, her own teachers, and all the teachers that came before them.

Find out more about Nancy from her website here.

Ceri Lee

Ceri Lee has taught yoga and run global retreats as her main profession for over twenty years and invites you on a yoga journey to create health and revitalise your life!

Ceri discovered yoga in her early twenties with a curious interest not only in physicality, but also the philosophy of yoga. Her unique style originates from the Sivananda lineage from where she first trained to teach in 2001. Yoga as the path of balance is reflected in her classes that are accessibly crafted as inspired by her certified Remedial Yoga & Menopause Yoga training, and interwoven with her knowledge of yoga philosophy, the subtle body, and specialism with the breath.

With over thirty years of practice and experience, Ceri’s style has become more nuanced. She guides you to go slow with a Hatha flow, finding physical challenge and increased strength through even the most basic postures whilst enabling the breath to be a key that connects to a profound sense of equilibrium, clarity, and peace.

Based in North Wales, Ceri is also a Reiki practitioner, Midlife Mentor, and regular contributor to award winning UK wellness magazine Menopause Matters. You can find out more about Ceri from her website here.

Amy McDonald

A London based teacher originally from NZ, Amy first discovered yoga in 2005, having started her journey seeking more fulfillment from her love of physical fitness training, previously working in the design industry in interior architecture, she saw the benefits of her yoga practice on her incredibly stressful and fast-paced lifestyle which led her to pursue teaching to be able to share this with others.

Amy describes her teaching style as compassionate, playful and hands-on. Using music, readings and the spoken word to create depth in the teachings, she aims to create a space for her students to grow and connect. Her teaching focuses on alignment and breath, attuning the practice in such a way that the students are in a space to balance body, mind and soul, while becoming holistically stronger and increasing flexibility. Her inspirations come from her teachers and her own practice, readings and research, for which she has an indefatigable appetite. Amy uses her influences to provide her students with a multi-layered experience that weaves together the physical and spiritual aspects of yoga.

Amy originally trained with Yogahaven London and then went on to train extensively in the Jivamukti Yoga method completing 300Hrs with Jivamukti New York and 500Hrs Jivamukti apprenticeship in London. She has also trained with Sampoorna Yoga India (yin), Norman Blair (yin), Shiva Rea (vinyasa) and Uma Dinsmore Tuli (pregnancy yoga).

Amy teaches across London, privately, with corporate clients and studios, alongside running workshops in the UK and abroad. She also holds regular retreats all over the world and teaches on teacher training courses internationally.

Kate McKenzie

Kate McKenzie has been practicing various forms of yoga all her adult life. She trained in Sivananda and Kundalini yoga and has continued to study flowing forms, Iyengar and Yin and Restorative Yoga.

She is passionate about creativity and well-being and her experience as a performer informs her approach. Her workshops aim to be both fun-filled and sacred, exploring the connection between breath, free movement, the poses, mantra, healing sound and the chakras to live with more inspiration, balance and self-awareness.

Kate has lead “Mantra Choirs” for fun singing. Other training includes massage, Reiki, First Nature voice, Indian Rag and Life Coaching.

Kate offers the online yoga and a monthly sound healing workshop called ‘Sound Experience’. You can find out more about Kate from her website here.

Charlie Morgan

In 2011 Charlie decided to quit her job as a fashion buyer and embarked on a 7 month adventure around India to take some time out to source fabrics and trimmings with the view to starting her own textile business. Following a life-changing retreat to The Himalayan Yoga Institute, Charlie’s trip to an unplanned turn and she returned to the UK, via Bali, as a qualified yoga instructor. Since then, she has taught group classes at various top yoga centres and corporations in and around London, private one-to-ones and to professional athletes, including the Harlequins and England rugby teams and led multiple 200 hour teacher trainings.

Charlie has also travelled around the world sharing her love for yoga; at resorts, on yachts and at private villas and retreat centres. Charlie is also a life coach, and this is something that she integrates into all her classes and is incredibly passionate about.

Charlie’s classes are light hearted and fun – a playful, creative and forever changing style of dynamic Vinyasa Flow accompanied by uplifting tunes. Although Charlie’s flow classes can be challenging , she is a perfectionist when it comes to correct body alignment, the synchronisation of movement and breath, and the importance of a sumptuous, meditative relaxation to close.

The most important thing for Charlie is that all her classes are inclusive and accessible, maintaining the philosophy that ‘yoga is for all’. Charlie also teaches yin, pregnancy and yoga nidra.

Lisa Powell

Lisa Powell has been teaching yoga since 2001 and fondly remembers the first time the magic of yoga touched her heart and has not looked back since. Lisa has been trained in many styles from flow to yin, yoga therapy to tantra. Lisa’s sessions are guided by the ancient teachings of yoga with a modern twist. Her retreats are always themed around a particular subject weaving intention setting, mudra, mantra, visualisation, asana, pranayama, meditation, relaxation and journalling to lead to a deeper connection within. Her morning sessions include enquiry, kriyas, cleansing breaths, slow flow yoga and strength building postures. Her evening sessions include pranayama, yoga nidra, yin yoga and meditation leading to a deeper release.

Needing to find time for yourself or understand the nature of your own mind? If the answer is yes join Lisa at one of the glorious YOAS holidays. Lisa’s aim for all her holidays is for her students to gain a deeper respect and understanding of themselves and their place in the world. Lisa is very inclusive, has no expectation of her students, is able to adapt to the needs of those that are new to yoga or those that are more advanced. Her go-to words are Kindness, Non-Judgement and Acceptance.

Erin Prichard

Erin truly believes yoga is a profound and empowering practice of making oneself whole. She always has had an appetite for Eastern thought, human relationships, and a deep love of nature which can all be reflected in her teachings. She has been teaching yoga in London and internationally for more than 17 years and training teachers for the last seven.

She first started on the path of yoga with Ashtanga Vinyasa but over the years has studied and learnt from many different teachers, traditions and philosophies, including Hatha, Kripalu, Jivamukti, Iyengar, trauma informed yoga, yoga for the incarcerated, and yoga for people living with disabilities.

Over the last 17 years Erin has had the privilege to teach many people in different settings, including in primary and sen schools whilst working as a primary school teacher, lecturing at Imperial College on the Science of Yoga and Mindfulness, teaching female refugees in London and, for the last three years, in prison at HMP Wandsworth.

Erin’s main teaching style is Vinyasa Krama and Hatha yoga combined with a strong focus on philosophy and inclusivity. She encourages choice, exploration and curiosity on the mat. Her classes may touch upon current events, the nature around us, Buddhist principles, and karma yoga. When not on the mat, she can be found surfing, exploring nature or lying in a hammock.

Lara Stapleton

“By the practice of meditation” the master said “you will find that you are carrying within your heart a portable paradise” Paramahansa Yogananda.

Lara Stapleton is a truly nurturing and attentive Scaravelli inspired and Hatha Yoga teacher with extensive training and a deep self-practice for over 20 years. This shines through in her teaching as she has a strong intuition of what is going on for each individual in a class. She cares deeply about her students, inspiring and supporting them to develop both on and off the mat.

Her style is gently powerful with special attention on the breath, allowing for growth in ones own internal awareness and awakening the spine, creating flowing wave-like movements and natural rhythms as well as working deeply from the ground up.

Her classes allow you to work profoundly from the inside out on individual areas of resistance, injury, deep emotional blockages and alignment with grace and softness. Lara puts her sensitivity as a teacher down to a strong one-on-one approach: “I’m able to adapt yoga to the individual rather than the individual to yoga”.

Lara’s philosophy and teachings are inspired by the spirit and practice of moving into stillness, to experience your true being. Her work and practice have been greatly enthused by her teacher John Stirk. Lara’s areas of speciality are spinal rehabilitation as well as being a trained Aromatherapist.

Rory Viggers

‘The breath is at the heart of practice. A good posture is when we can breathe well.’

Rory has a breadth and wealth of experience, inspired by many systems of hatha yoga, martial arts and radical minds. His extensive and ongoing study with one of the world’s leading and much revered asana teachers, Dona Holleman, continues to elevate and deeply enrich his practice, knowledge and teaching.

His in-depth classes seek to reconnect and harmonise body, mind and spirit. The foundation of his philosophy and teaching is rooted in awareness, breath, and an understanding of the physical and subtle bodies. He is passionate about yoga asana in terms of approach, application, technique, form and essence.

His classes deliver a deep and strong practice, and can seamlessly accommodate both those newer to yoga through to more long term practitioners and teachers. Rory believes we all have the capacity to find our still point, calm zone and true centre, whenever we desire. The aim of his classes is to navigate you there.

Dory Walker

Dory has experienced the true spirit of yoga as transformational practice. She believes in the power of yoga to guide conscious evolution, individually and collectively.

Certified to advanced level and teaching full time since 2001, Dory has trained with various yoga schools, amongst them Sivananda (traditional hatha Yoga), Satyananda (yoga nidra and meditation),Khrishnamakarya (Vedic Chant) and Dona Holleman (enlightened asana work), as well as studying yoga therapy with the Biomedical Trust. Dory teaches retreats and teacher training programmes internationally.

Through her own practice Dory has discovered that regular practice promotes effective, positive and healthy living and is inspired to help others establish a strong practice in their own lives. She believes strongly in making the yoga (union) adventure joyful, keeping it light and remembering to laugh! She is a dedicated yogini and mother.

Will Wheeler

Will provides welcoming and inclusive retreats. Over the last 12 years Will has been a yoga instructor and retreat facilitator. You can expect his classes to be fun, dynamic and light hearted. Will teaches vinyasa flow yoga and restorative yoga on YOAS retreats and offers modifications to suit all levels of experience.

You can expect the classes to feature breathwork, meditation, flow yoga and a great playlist. The flow classes will be playful, offer sequences to improve posture and alignment and leave you feeling calm and grounded. The restorative classes are slower in style and offer soothing restful postures to promote a great night’s sleep.  Will loves to travel, explore new places and spend time in nature.