Balance your life with the Chakras
December 2, 2017 4:31 pmYoga teacher Kate McKenzie explores aspects of the chakra system and how it can relate to your everyday life.
You can think of the chakra system as a symbolic map that helps you navigate towards greater well-being on all levels. There are seven chakras, each relating to different regions of the body. Specific postures can help heal each area physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.
There are so many creative ways to play with the chakra system and explore the many qualities associated with each one. Let’s say you have an issue with your leg; you might reflect on the qualities of the first chakra, Muladhara, which means ‘root support’. Its location is at the perineum, though it also governs the legs and feet. This energy centre offers us the gifts of stability, presence and connection with the earth. To bring more balance to this centre you can practice grounding poses, chant specific mantras, wear red or eat more protein. You may even get out in nature, feel the earth and hug a tree!
If you’re feeling lethargic and disempowered you can recognise that these feelings are related to your solar centre – Manipura Chakra – you can focus on the abdominal region, deepen your breath, practice postures that strengthen the navel point and enjoy extra twists.
You can approach the chakra system from any angle and use whichever tools resonate with you: colour, sound, postures, even the elements – for example, the sacral chakra is associated with water, so if you feel blocked (financially, sensually, creatively) you may like to visualise water flowing and cleansing the pelvic region.
Have fun and remember that no one chakra is considered more important than another – it’s all about balance.
Muladhara means ‘root support’ and is located at the perineum. Its element is earth, the colour red, its gift is security and shadow anxiety. The food type is protein and dominant sense is smell.
Swadhisthana means ‘one’s own abode’ and is located at the sacrum. Its element is water, the colour is orange, its gift is sensuality and shadow shame. The food type is liquids and dominant sense is taste.
Manipura means ‘jewelled city’ and is located at the navel. Its element is fire, the colour yellow, its gift is empowerment and shadow rage. The food type is starches and dominant sense is sight.
Anahata means ‘unstruck sound’ and is located at the heart. Its element is air, the colour green, its gift is love and shadow resentment. The food type is vegatables and dominant sense is touch.
Vishuddha means ‘purification’ and is located at the throat. Its element is space, the colour turquoise, its gift is creativity and shadow deception. The food type is fruits and dominant sense is hearing.
Ajna means ‘to command’ and is located at the eyebrow centre. Its the element is light, the colour indigo, its gift is insight and shadow confusion.
Sahasrara means ‘thousandfold’ and is located at the crown. Its element is consciousness the colour violet, its gift is bliss and shadow delusion.
You can see Kate’s upcoming retreats here.
Categorised in: Health & wellness, Meditation, Relaxation