A virtual day retreat to explore the breath and nourish the nervous system
17 May 2020
Cost £35
Teachers Lara Stapleton & Rory Viggers & Tania Brown
Holiday ExpiredAbout the virtual retreat
In the absence of being able to retreat to all our amazing locations around the world right now we wanted to bring virtual retreats from our homes to yours. This is an opportunity to connect with our YOAS teachers and the wider YOAS community. We can’t wait to see you (virtually) on the mat.
Following the overwhelming success of our two virtual retreats so far we have lined up four more of our wonderful teachers for an immersive day retreat to explore the breath and nourish the nervous system. The structure of the day retreat will be as outlined below (on UK time):
8.30am - 10am - Breath, being, expansion and beyond with Lara
11am - 12.30pm - Nourishing flow with Tania
3pm - 4.30pm - Go deeper through stillness, align and breathe with Rory
6pm - 7pm - Transform with the breath with Aimee
Breath, being, expansion and beyond with Lara: 8.30am - 10am
Nourishing flow with Tania: 11am - 12.30pm
Tania will guide you through a nourishing vinyasa flow class with emphasis placed on harmonising the movements of the body and the breath in creative sequences. Short meditations and breathing techniques will be included in a class open to all levels. Tania's experienced teaching style will give options to suit all, allowing the YOAS community to flow together – to breathe and enjoy!
Go deeper through stillness, align and breathe with Rory: 3pm - 4.30pm
The afternoon class with Rory will take you through refined slow movements to access space and stillness. By going slow, the brain and body have time to work together. This is deeply nourishing for the nervous system. Take time to become intimate with the breath in the poses, experience more freedom in the body, more freedom in the mind, more freedom in yourself. Connect intent, alignment and breath in a practise to open you up to new depths and nuances on your yoga mat.
Transform with the breath with Aimee: 6pm - 7pm
Aimee will close the retreat with an hour focused on conscious Breathwork. You will discover your unique breath pattern and learn how to access a fuller breath. Aimee will then guide you through a variety of breath techniques to help you feel calm and relaxed and she will also offer you some breath exercises for a better nights sleep.
How it works
Please make a booking for the day retreat though our website. All classes will be live streamed through Zoom. If you don't already have it, download the Zoom app on your computer here: zoom.us/download (choose 'Zoom Client for Meetings') or your phone (in the App Store or Google Play).
Once you have made a booking we will send further details and instructions on how to use Zoom a couple of days beforehand.
Links to access each class will be sent the night before the retreat. You will be able to join each class 10 minutes beforehand on the day.
You will need enough space to roll out your mat and to be able to stretch your arms above your head. If you have yoga props please have them to hand. Here are the things you will need:
- Yoga mat
- Blanket or meditation shawl
- Firm cushion or yoga block to sit on
- A yoga belt - or a dressing gown cord works well
- Yoga bolster or a couple of pillows
- Notepad and pen
We look forward to connecting with you all and practicing together once again. Thank you for being part of our amazing community.
A virtual day retreat to explore the breath and nourish the nervous system, 17 May 2020
Travel Arrangements
From our homes to yours.
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