Peaceful summer yoga retreat in Oxfordshire, UK

26 - 28 July 2019

Cost from £310

Teacher Sunita Devi

Holiday Expired

About Braziers Park

This hidden treasure, set deep in the beautiful countryside of south Oxfordshire, offers a relaxing holiday in nature less than two hours from London. This weekend retreat is an opportunity to revitalise and enjoy reconnecting with self and others.

Braziers Park is a warm country manor house, set deep in beautiful countryside and the rolling Chiltern Hills of South Oxfordshire, an area of outstanding natural beauty. The location is perfect for a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating retreat.

The old manor is Grade II listed in the 'Strawberry Gothic' style; it has so much character and beauty. Real log fires, plentiful sofas and a grand piano are amongst its charms - all set in 57 acres of land with beautiful gardens. Braziers is a working eco-community with sheep, chickens, a walled vegetable garden and an ancient orchard. The community welcomes you to enjoy the rustic old charm of Braziers Park and join in with the community.


The daily programme

The first class will be on Friday evening. This will be a gentle open flow to help you unwind from your journey and ease into the retreat. Then together the group will enjoy a delicious dinner. On Saturday there will be two classes. A long, more dynamic morning class to align to body and breath followed later on by a late afternoon class where we will slow things down and enjoy a deep relaxation.

Sunday morning will start with a strong morning practise then another delicious breakfast. The group will come together for a meditation walk and closing circle before lunch and then say our goodbyes to end the retreat.

Each day after morning yoga there will be the opportunity to walk, have a massage or relax in one of the comfy lounges by a roaring fire or take a long bath. This is a very special place indeed!

Arrival time on the Friday is from 3pm onwards. The first yoga session will be at 5pm. The weekend will finish on the Sunday after lunch.

Things to do

Braziers Park is very quaint and quirky with plenty of space to nestle down with a book. There's the library, the study, dining room and an informal space by the log fire and grand piano.

There is a lovely woodland walk, which is a great opportunity to experience some of the wildlife beauties of the estate. There will be delicious vegetarian food and plenty of time just to hang out and chat, meet new people, read, relax and enjoy being in the community in natural surroundings. A variety of massage treatments will also be available at additional cost.


Accommodation at Braziers Park

Braziers Park is an attractive listed Grade II building set in 50 acres of land. All rooms are comfortable and charming. All bathrooms are shared. A limited number of single rooms are available.

Client Reviews

I wanted to thank you for what was a really wonderful weekend. I had been to Braziers Park previously and it was exactly as peaceful and welcoming as I remembered it. This was my first retreat with Yoga on a Shoestring and being a very on-again / off-again yogi, I worried I would find it difficult to be part of. I was completely wrong, I absolutely loved your approach to classes, they were the perfect blend of challenging as restorative for me and I left the weekend feeling completely renewed. I don't often spend a weekend away from my family and I had placed a lot of expectation into my first retreat since I had my son three years ago, this retreat more than met my expectations.
A short weekend was simply not enough. I arrived feeling in need of re-connection, I left feeling re-balanced. The wonderful meals, attentive teacher, room to myself, sense of companionship, wonderful country surroundings was just what I needed. Great value for money, this weekend should be offered for longer! I would do this again!
I really enjoyed it all and found the space and quiet I needed! Doing so much yoga was great! You are both so gifted at nurturing and calm. A joy! xx
Braziers park was such a wonderful weekend. I really can't say anything critical at all - the place was unique and cosy, the food was really impressive, the people were all friendly, the yoga was brilliant, the other activities were varied and fun (film, walks around house, chanting, time on one's own or chatting with new friends).
The whole weekend was a wonderful experience...the venue was great and the food was fabulous. So as you can see I had a thoroughly enjoyable time. Will definitely be booking again!
I wanted to say how grateful I am for having this opportunity of learning yoga from you. After the weekend at Braziers Park I feel not only my body is stronger and mind more balanced and clear, there is definitely a shift towards other important change on my life journey. You have inspired me to go deeper into my yoga pratice and spiritual quest. It was a very very special weekend. What else to add? Charming venue, good food and the nice company of other participants. The whole event was flawless and it only passed far too quickly.

Peaceful summer yoga retreat in Oxfordshire, UK, 26 - 28 July 2019


Sharing a twin room £310
Double room for a couple £310
Single occupancy room £370
All prices are per person

The cost includes:
Your accommodation. Daily meditation, all yoga classes and workshops. Delicious homemade & home-grown organic vegetarian food. Beautiful nature walks & log fires.

Travel Arrangements

Arrival time on Friday 26 July is from 3pm onwards and the first yoga class will be at approx 5pm. We will finish around 1pm after an early lunch on Sunday 28 July.

Getting to Braziers Park
Braziers Park is less than an hour and a half from London and just under two hours from Bristol. We will try and arrange lift sharing where possible.

Full travel details are on the Braziers Park website.

Braziers Park, Ipsden, Wallingford OX10 6AN