Want to elevate your practice?
June 22, 2019 11:58 amWe caught up with Rory Viggers who is teaching the Sadhana Retreat in Devon this August. He talks about overcoming obstacles in home practice and what can help us get going.
Starting or keeping up a regular home practice can be a difficult thing. We’re on our own and at the mercy of our mind. “I’ll do it later”. “This is enough for today”. “I don’t have enough time today”. “I’ll just practice the things I like today (like I did yesterday and the day before…)”. These are some of the internal dialogues that often surface. In a yoga class you have structure, someone guiding you, correcting you and taking you out of your comfort zone. To replicate these conditions on your own takes practice, dedication, passion and discipline. Ultimately this is where we want to be heading, to be able to stand on our own two feet.
Even if we do have a regular home practice it can start to fade. To keep up the same intensity and make advancements requires personal discipline. Experiencing a few days of structure and guided yoga practices is an amazing way to reboot our practice, elevate it or help correct it. It gives us a turbo charge to either help us progress or establish a home practice. It’s also a wonderful experience for both mind and body.
As teachers we are the same. I periodically go to study with my teacher to enable me to take my practice to another level of understanding and iron out any lazy habits that may have started to creep in.
Sadhana is a daily spiritual practice in the context of all aspects of our life. How we eat, sit, breath, treat ourselves and others, how we practice, how we use our emotions and energy. Having an opportunity to be able to focus and reflect on all of this pays dividends to both our yoga practice and everyday wellbeing.
The Sadhana Weekender is designed for just this. To be immersed in yoga away from the distractions of home life for a few days. To be able to reflect on all aspects of our life through the narrative of an immersive yoga programme. We can reset our autonomic practice mode to a new level as well as help bring clarity and focus to other areas of our life.
See Rory’s upcoming retreats and bio here.
Tags: sadhana, uk yoga, yoga weekend, yogaonashoestring, yogaretreatsCategorised in: Asana, Holidays & retreats, Well-being, Yoga